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Milo 1.5 CNC - LDO Kit


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Electronics and Wiring:

Followed the excellent guide from LDO for the electronic layout and wiring.


IMG_7005.thumb.png.523aa0d37d130353b414b148abcbfe30.png   IMG_7006.thumb.png.4f98c8509cbd7832c624e7088f24a845.png

Flashed a 64GB Samsung SSD with Millineum OS and RRF v0.3.0-rc1. Formatted the card in OSX diskutility and used ExFat (Choices were MSDos, ExFat) - Don't!

The Fly controller board does not like it. Flashed in command line with Fat32 and all was good again. (This can be achieved in OSX diskutility by choosing MSDos - will revert to Fat32 if disk is larger than 32GB)

Connected successfully, changed WiFi and continued to install the electronics.

IMG_7007.thumb.png.ad2273d008b0c9f866caa416eca6587f.png  IMG_7008.thumb.png.7cf8f1ea623921339e5e7be5d8e3b789.png   

Had to reprint the front skirts, as I chose the wrong panel to have the Emergency switch mounted as per LDO wiring.  The wiring took most of the day. Powered it up and "no magic smoke!"

IMG_7010.thumb.png.95fde8fb8d06908c7d3513866b405828.png  IMG_7011.thumb.png.b7f12bc13d614887904d33ab9e7e7a2f.png

Now to figure out how to configure this. It has a configuration macro that comes up with a spindle by default, which is not the one I have, and I cannot seem to select one. Have some reading to do.


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Done all the prelim checks. All end stops working, All axis homing. However, got a problem when doing a home all - RRF through up an error. As this is completely new to me, will have to do a bit more studying prior to actually knowing what is happening. Now need to get the equipment to tram the work surface.

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Watched some youtube videos from West3D on his build.

Updated the RepRap firmware and Millenium OS. Ran the configuration wizard and what can I say - pretty happy with myself.

And you guessed it - my probe is on the way.

Machine homing successfully:




Now I got to learn the lingo to get GCode generated in Fusion so I can make some CHIPS!



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Congrats on the build awesome build guide! Can I ask how do you post a video within the post on this site? Every time it tried I'd only get the link.

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11 minutes ago, PFarm said:

Congrats on the build awesome build guide! Can I ask how do you post a video within the post on this site? Every time it tried I'd only get the link.

Thanks Jack. You were the inspiration for this build.

I had to convert the video to mp4 format, then just uploaded through choose files, and inserted into the post. The you-tube video embeds itself when you copy the link into the post. Hope this helps.

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I have all the BOM (self sourced) for the CASA enclosure, excepts the panels. Glad I did not order those as they have changed with the latest release.

I may start the build on this whilst waiting the probe for the Milo 1.5 to arrive (2 weeks according to Aliexpress). I

n the interim, I am trying to figure out how to install the post processing scripts in Fusion 360 in order to "slice" a file to mill. I have a source for some off-cut pieces of aluminum, so I am keen to give that a go. I know most folk do their first cut on wood, plastic or foam - but I am a proud "Friesman" (Frisian), so aluminum it is!

Will have to do a cut, and post a video in order to get a serial and who does not want a serial?


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2 hours ago, claudermilk said:

note a celebratory bottle in the background. 

It's not for celebration.

It's so he can destress better when he is alone 'working' in the printer room 🙂

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8 hours ago, claudermilk said:

Nice! Congrats!

I note a celebratory bottle in the background. 😉

or two or three.....

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The fixated plate was sitting loose on the extrusions.  Searched high and low for the stl but could not find "clamps" to fix the table to the extrusions, other than ones that need to be milled.

So I put my limited Fusion skills to the test and modeled some.  The holes are offset on purpose to accommodate for the cable of the Long John tool-setter. They are fixed with M5x18 BHSC.

IMG_7018.thumb.png.160f937a13d2ee411518cc2ba7378d28.png   IMG_7020.thumb.png.964f06f1b212ffbdc5318d2a84de8022.png

I have uploaded the step file and fusion file if you have a need for it.

Fixated Table Clamp v3.step

Fixated Table Clamp v3.f3d

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started on the CASA enclosure. Boy is this thing BIG! Had the frame assembled and then realised I got not get it out of the door. So building it into halves and will assemble in it final resting spot. Did the drawer mod on this. There is no manual, so the build is completely off the CAD. And.... it uses a hell of a lot of M3x10's (about 400) and an equal amount of M3 roll in nuts.

The panels are 3mm Aluminium composite and the parts are all printed in ASA. 

Progress so far on one half:

Electronics bay: (Unpopulated at present - awaiting delivery from RS-Online

IMG_7093.thumb.png.b04bc42d17b92edb3781bde6f35177a2.png  IMG_7092.thumb.png.0e3bf6457fb6ec5ad112bafbb83187c5.png

Front with Drawer mod:


Basement and Chip trays:


Now for the other half............


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8 hours ago, PFarm said:

@mvdveer Nice! Is the drawer mods online, I like that idea. I'll need to extend the dimensions on X & Y for the additional length of my stepper motors. Plans are to move the water-cool components to the electronic bay on the enclosure.

Yes they are. Here is the link.

There is also a Rear Bay Mod which I have not explored as I won't have access to that part of the enclosure.

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